Le nouveau Chef d'Etat s'est rendu le mois dernier à New York. Une visite très suivie. Hassan Rouhani a même accordé une interview à NBC. Rowan, notre reporter, a écouté attentivement cet interview et en a retranscrit les moments forts portant sur l'arme nucléaire iranienne et la Syrie.
“The world believes Iran could build a bomb very quickly. You’ve said that this period of time for resolving the nuclear issue will not be unlimited.
Just how sure is this window? Weeks? Months? Or years?”
[President Rouhani]
“We have never renewed or sought a nuclear bomb and we are not going to do so. We are solely seeking peaceful nuclear technology.’’
“Can you say that Iran will not build a nuclear weapon under any circumstances whatsoever?’’
“The answer to this question is quite obvious, we have time and again said that under no circumstances would we seek any weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons nor will we ever.”
“The supreme leader made a very strong statement just recently on diplomatic flexibility. He said I believe in what’s already been called heroic flexibility, even a wrestler can show flexibility. What does that mean to you Mr. President? And what does it allow you in your negotiations on the nuclear issue?”
“In its nuclear program this government enters with full power, and as complete authority. I have given the nuclear negotiations portfolio to the foreign ministry.
The problem won't be from our side, we have official political latitude to solve this problem.’’
On Syria, President Rouhani said Iran played a major role in crafting the U.S. - Russia deal. “Can you assure the world that President Assad will give up all his chemical weapons?”
“We are not the Syrian government, we are one of the countries in the region that seeks peace and stability and the elimination of weapons of mass-destruction the entire region’’
“Do you believe that the United States, President Obama, looked weak in backing off the air strike on Syria?”
Le Président Rouhani devant les Nations Unies |
“We consider war a weakness. Any government that decides on war we consider a weakness. Any government that decides on peace we look on it with respect for peace".
La presse très partagée sur la politique nucléaire iranienne |
NBC news